List SKUs 📦
Returns the list of SKUs available to your corporation for a given segment, or for all segments at once (leave segment_key empty in that case)
Only product id information is provided by this endpoint. Full information is available through the Fetch product information endpoint
Path parameters
segment_key string
The segment key of the SKUs, as returned by list products endpoint. Leave empty for all segments
Values are
, orsurface-cleaning
curl \
--request GET \
--header "PPEApiKey: $API_KEY"
Response examples (200)
"status": "OK",
"result": {
"skus": [
"code": "789-111",
"product_id": "f50938a24830edb8b1c2ecc3f7dd88a3",
"product_segment_key": "surface-cleaning"
"code": "789-12",
"product_id": "89e6848c8f1f91404c224393340b1fad",
"product_segment_key": "surface-cleaning"
"code": "789-112",
"product_id": "79e6848c8f1f91404c224393340b1fad",
"product_segment_key": "surface-cleaning"
Response examples (404)
"status": "ERROR",
"message": "Unknown segment key 'book-protection'"
Response examples (403)
"status": "ERROR",
"message": "Unauthorized access to segment 'secret-agent'"