Follow guide ⏭️
This endpoint is the core of the guided search. It has a double use case:
- Get a question of a given step with possible choices
- Answer to a question of a given step with user choices, in that case the next question + choices is returned directly
It is meant to be used several times in a row to follow the guide until the end, or until the user wants to stop it and show results immediately
curl \
--request GET \
--header "PPEApiKey: $API_KEY"
Response examples (200)
"status": "OK",
"result": {
"context": {
"step": 2,
"locale": "it",
"search_id": "2e254ef2-3e63-4cb2-9680-3876b68e7191",
"product_count": 262,
"api_follow_guide": "/api/v1/navigation/guide/2e254ef2-3e63-4cb2-9680-3876b68e7191/it/follow/3",
"api_back_question": "/api/v1/navigation/guide/2e254ef2-3e63-4cb2-9680-3876b68e7191/it/follow/3?choice_key=_back_",
"api_guide_results": "/api/v1/navigation/guide/2e254ef2-3e63-4cb2-9680-3876b68e7191/it/results",
"api_skip_question": "/api/v1/navigation/guide/2e254ef2-3e63-4cb2-9680-3876b68e7191/it/follow/3?choice_key=_skip_",
"custom_pictos_only": true
"question": {
"key": "search-by-manufacturer",
"label": "Ricerca per produttore",
"picto_url": "",
"is_back_allowed": true,
"is_skip_allowed": true,
"available_combination_mode": "or"
"choices": [
"key": "manufacturer-1",
"label": "Produttore n°1",
"picto_url": "",
"product_count": 20
"key": "manufacturer-2",
"label": "Produttore n°2",
"picto_url": "",
"product_count": 55
"key": "manufacturer-3",
"label": "Produttore n°3",
"picto_url": "",
"product_count": 187